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5 Ways Health Systems Can Prioritize the Patient Experience

Today’s consumers don’t just want personalized and seamless healthcare experiences — they demand them. A recent report, however, finds that patient experiences are declining. Now’s the time for health systems to up the ante on experiences and value-added services to...

Looking to increase patient volume? Try direct contracting

What’s your New Year’s goal for 2023? If you’re like many health systems across the U.S., it may be something along the lines of “increase patient volume by X%.” It’s a worthy goal, to be sure, but it also includes unique challenges. As health systems struggle to keep...

Is your health system ready for direct contracting?

If you’ve considered direct contracting but haven’t yet taken the plunge, now could be the ideal time. Costs are skyrocketing for health systems. The reality of cutthroat industry competition means health systems need innovation to stay ahead of the curve. Working...

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