The Power of Partnering Directly with Self-funded Employers


The situation

A renowned health system in Wisconsin noticed an upsurge in large-scale employers offering self-funded healthcare. They spotted an opportunity to partner directly with these employers to deliver integrated care and increase their domestic utilization.

But they couldn’t do it alone. They came to us to support their direct-to-employer solution in order to optimize a well-rounded, cohesive healthcare offering that would fuel better outcomes for everyone.

The strategy

To bring this vision to life, the company approached Brighton Health Plan Solutions to enable their direct-to-employer contracting.

We worked on:
● Providing powerful, actionable data that they use to connect with patients, better supporting carefully targeted care delivery
● Aiding a closer relationship with their patients and providers, thanks to this data
● Supporting member navigation and the redirection of care to their domestic network
● Delivering key admin and medical management capabilities
● Supporting unique provider reimbursement models and lookup features in our intuitive directory
● Enabling a flexible system with customized benefit structures and network tiering
● Facilitating national networks to supercharge their health system

The result

Launched in January 2023, the enhanced provider-owned system first supported 10,000 self-insured lives — and added another 15,000 lives in January 2024. Plus, we’re continuing to connect additional health and hospital systems to their network to accommodate their rapid growth.

And now they can give their patients the option to make informed healthcare decisions, with intuitive tools at their disposal.

Thanks to partnering with employers, this health system has said farewell to the middlemen. With a truly integrated solution, they’re showing the competition how it’s done.